Monday, November 2, 2009

we love you and miss you

Here are a few of the pictures that we took at the airport before you guys left, I miss you all a lot. Oh am Emily I still want to get those pictures from you that you took here in full resolution so I can blow them up and put them on my wall. So I can be surrounded by my family in some ways since you can't be here all the time.


  1. This picture is really cute (the sister's picture- not you Dev, although you are lovely too!)...even though my face looks HUGE! XXX Lauren xx

  2. AW sweetness!!!!!!

    i want the hen night pictures!! :D

    il send you the pictures that have, sorry i just forget all the time. silly brain.

    i like the new blog idea! yup yup xxx

  3. Thanks I love it too! I am excited for you guys to see are lives and things! I will try to get you the hen night pictures. I think I only have one or two on my camera, I will have to have a look. If you see some of the pictures on here, I still want your larger versions so I can get a big version blown up to put up on the wall :)
